High Bandwidth Solutions


FatPipe Networks invented the concept of router-clustering, which provides the highest level of reliability, redundancy and Internet traffic speed for Business Continuity and communications. FatPipe WARP achieves fault tolerance for companies by creating an easy method of combining two or more Internet connections, of any kind over, multiple ISPs. FatPipe utilizes all paths when the lines are up and running, dynamically balancing traffic over the multiple lines, and intelligently failing-over inbound and outbound IP traffic when an ISP service and/or component fails. It is the only product on the market that offers a multi-Gigabit solution. FatPipe can aggregate up to 100 Gb/sec using any combination of lines and providers. Companies can host mission critical servers - such as web, database and email servers - with confidence that access to them will not be interrupted due to failed ISP services, components, or congestion at peak hours. WARP features FatPipe's patented and patent-pending technology, SmartDNS, which efficiently balances inbound loads over multiple lines and intelligently and automatically fails over Internet traffic when needed. WARP also provides powerful features, such as multiple options for load balancing, and policy routing tools that control how data flows on networks. FatPipe WARP also has various add-on tools including Quality of Service (QoS) and VPN, which gives you enhanced control capabilities.


Redundancy Reliability Business ContinuityRedundancy, Reliability, Speed for Business Continuity

FatPipe WARP is an ideal solution for companies that require high levels of redundancy and availability for their WAN networks as well as maximum bandwidth utilization. Companies that host internal servers that are accessed from outside their LANs, such as the web, Citrix, and email and database servers, require robust and redundant WANs to keep their businesses running. This reduces revenue and productivity losses due to Internet downtime.

FatPipe WARP achieves fault tolerance for companies by creating an easy method of combining two or more Internet connections, of any kind, over multiple ISPs. Bandwidth requirements are increasing rapidly. While DS3 (45 Mb/s) was considered fast a few years ago, many businesses require gigabit speeds for their applications. FatPipe is the only company that makes products capable of handling up to 100 gigabits per second.


How FatPipe Prevents Network Downtime

  • Redundant connections mitigate last-mile vulnerabilities
  • Diverse access hardware prevents hardware-related outages
  • Multiple paths keep applications up during network maintenance
  • Freedom to choose routing architecture that work for your business

FatPipe SD-WAN can solve unplanned network downtime.

The growth of network complexity has produced many more potential points of degradation and failure.

Source - Infonetics Research, The Cost of Downtime

Use Case

Large Chemical Distributor
Hybrid WAN Load Balancing

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Sub-Second WAN Failover
WAN Failover

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