FatPipe's Orchestrator is a multi-functional network management solution which provides fault management, configuration management, near zero touch provision and performance managed to ensure complete network management can be done using the orchestrator. It provides enterprises the ability to centrally control their WANs, easily manage branches, and deploy appliances with Zero-touch.
End-users can easily migrate from a traditional star or hub-and-spoke WAN topology to a more optimal topology for diverse cloud resources, a hybrid WAN. Managers are no longer restricted by limitations in access arrangements, and bandwidth can easily be added to any site. This makes it simple to augment and enhance an existing MPLS circuit with readily available, dedicated Internet of broadband circuits.
The FatPipe Orchestrator is hosted within the FatPipe appliance at the customer's headquarters or data center. The customer maintains exclusive and complete control of the orchestrator. When remote symphony devices connect to the network, their policy and security configurations are pulled without input from remote personnel. Once configured, remote devices continue to communicate with the orchestrator. Their configurations are synced, allowing the orchestrator to automatically populate any policy or configurations throughout the network.