20 Nov

Catch Up with Rising Intelligence on the WAN Edge

WAN Edge refers to the device deployed at the “edge of the network,” especially at the branches. Till a few years back, these devices were expected to make routing decisions without human intervention, but with the advent of SD-WAN, the Edge devices are gaining much-needed intelligence and also are capable of performing multiple functions. Imagine effortlessly managing your WAN, elevating its performance, fortifying the security, and seamlessly integrating new heterogeneous connections of different technologies – all in one powerful suite of solutions. FatPipe Networks, the inventor and multiple patents holder of SDWAN technology has been at the forefront of making the “Edge” more powerful and intelligent to exponentially enhance the network performance. It provides unique patented technology MPSEC TM to the networking industry which has given a new dimension to Edge Intelligence. It also provides solutions for improving network performance in an existing WAN, simplifying WAN management, or adding and managing additional connections with zero-touch provisioning.

WAN Redundancy with MPSEC TM

FatPipe Multi path security patented technology allows multiple heterogeneous connections to the WAN for seamless aggregation of MPLS, Internet, 4G, leased networks, and satellite networks in one single virtual link with seamless sub-second failover to enhance network SLAs.

Dynamic load balancing on multiple lines 

FatPipe’s dynamic load balancing allows the load to be distributed on a WAN connection according to several algorithms ranging from simple round-robin load balancing to complex load balancing that determines the least number of hops from start to destination.

Multiple Quality of Service

FatPipe technology supports QoS mechanisms that let organizations prioritize specific traffic over others. This will ensure that VoIP calls have priority and the availability needed to be completed.

Data traffic Optimization

The Edge is enabled with multiple WAN Optimization techniques making it more intelligent. FatPipe data compression technology can compress data by up to 8x. FatPipe’s de-duplication technology looks for data duplicates in data sets and eliminates them. By caching local copies of transmitted data, FatPipe technology reduces the strain on network resources.

Hybrid WAN

The Hybrid WAN has the public and private networks working in parallel. We can also have internet-only branches to connect to their HQ or other data centers using an on-site or cloud gateway.

Centralized control and Policy-based management 

FatPipe SD-WAN ensures data security and decision-driven traffic routing through a centralized control function with additional benefits such as application performance, user satisfaction, business efficiency, and reduced operational expenditure. Based on policies, FatPipe manages the configurations and flow of traffic.

Dynamic path selection

FatPipe SD-WAN intelligently prioritizes data and diagnoses existing network conditions to effectively map application traffic to the best-suited route.

Last-mile connectivity

FatPipe SD-WAN devices deployed at each location elevate last-mile connectivity between sites without excessively relying on service partners, as with cloud-based solutions.

Fabric and Flat Networks

While fabric networks facilitate the seamless integration of many components, improve scalability, and enhance overall network performance, flat networks can reduce complexity in WAN environments with a simplified structure. Flat networks can improve data transfer efficiency, lower latency, and simplify management by minimizing the number of network layers.

Intelligent WAN Edge Consolidation 

FatPipe Intelligent WAN Edge consolidation typically involves simplifying management processes, improving network performance, and adding or managing additional connections into a unified and intelligent solution. The objective is to provide a more cohesive and effective approach to managing and optimizing the WAN edge infrastructure.

08 Nov

Managed SD-WAN Continues to Gain Traction

Fully managed SD‐WAN service is the choice of customers as the complete deployment and management of the end-to-end SD‐WAN solution with proactive issue resolution is taken care of by the Managed SD-WAN provider. Managed SD-WAN provides a centralized control center that actively oversees the network’s edge devices, enabling real-time detection of anomalies or performance issues. By swiftly identifying and addressing these concerns, Managed SD-WAN ensures continuous network stability, security, and optimal performance, serving as the backbone for the reliability and seamless operation of corporate infrastructures.

Managed SD-WAN services offer several key benefits across the U.S. in terms of providing proactive network monitoring and network health and performance alerting:

1.Continuous Monitoring

Ensures proactive monitoring of the network. This continuous surveillance allows for early detection of potential issues, enabling prompt resolution before they escalate and affect network performance. By actively overseeing the network, these services can identify patterns, anomalies, or deviations from the norm, helping to maintain network health.

2. Proactive Issue Resolution

Helps detect and address potential issues before they impact the network. This approach minimizes downtime and optimizes network performance, as issues can be dealt with swiftly, often before end-users notice them.

3. Enhanced Security Measures

Ensures network performance and assists in the early detection of security threats or breaches. Alerting systems signal security issues promptly, enabling immediate action to mitigate potential risks and strengthen the network’s defenses.

4. Deep Analytical Reports 

Provides deep analytical reports such as link-wise applications, data segregation, Quality of Service reports, etc. These reports are presented in easy- easy-to-understand charts and tables with associated dashboards and flexibility to summarize the report in the desired format. It also provides timely notifications and alerts and ensures that the responsible team is immediately informed of any irregularities or potential problems, enabling rapid responses to rectify issues before they affect the network’s health or performance.

5. Focus on Core Business Functions

Allows us to focus more on core business operations. With experts managing network health and performance, internal IT teams can direct their efforts toward strategic initiatives and essential business tasks rather than day-to-day network monitoring.

FatPipe Managed SD-WAN services perform proactive network monitoring and network health and performance alerting to identify and address issues in real-time promptly using cutting-edge tools like Symphony Orchestration and Enterprise View 2.0 TM. This is helpful in the detection of performance bottlenecks, security threats, or connectivity problems, enabling organizations to take immediate action, maintain network reliability, and provide a seamless user experience. Clear communication and expectation setting, equipped with robust, proactive monitoring, help in transparent engagement and manage customer expectations. Redundancy strategies and swift, responsive support mechanisms ensure reliability, a user-focused approach provides enhanced customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement underscores the commitment to overcoming external challenges.