11 Jul

How FatPipe SD-WAN Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Network Infrastructure

Several enterprises, even now, rely on standard WAN and SD-WAN offerings that generate high CAPEX and OPEX costs. This poses a high risk; the expenses for maintaining legacy WAN systems will eventually surpass the investment required for a modern, business-aligned network solution.  Companies witness around 20-30% cost reduction when they switch to the SD-WAN solution (according to reports) but embracing FatPipe software-defined approach reduces Network TCO by more than 50% ensuring FatPipe SD-WAN investment break even for customers in less than one year.

Industry Unique Features of FatPipe for SD-WAN Investment Break Even in less than one year

FatPipe being the inventor of key SD-WAN features has patented and innovative ways of network transformation for reducing network TCO.

  • Single IP Framework for Link Aggregation – FatPipe MPVPN patented technology aggregates traffic of heterogeneous last mile e.g. MPLS, Internet, broadband, LTE, 5G, wireless, leased lines, and satellite in end-to-end single IP framework enabling traffic navigation across multi- technology links. This traffic load balancing can reduce per annum customer bandwidth costs by 20-30%.
  • Load Balancing without Traffic Duplication – FatPipe SD-WAN MPSEC TM patent ensures no duplication of traffic among redundant lines during data, voice and video to ensure customer bandwidth savings up to 50% year on year.
  • WAN Optimization – Reduces TCO through advanced WAN optimization techniques namely caching, compression, de-duplication etc. FatPipe WAN optimization is at an innovative byte level, ensuring industry-best traffic optimization granularity. These features reduce bandwidth costs between 10% and 90% depending on payload application nature.
  • Selective Encryption – FatPipe’s patented hybrid WAN technology selectively encrypts only the traffic placed on public links, avoiding encryption on MPLS traffic. This feature reduces encryption overheads ensuring potential bandwidth savings by 30% depending on packet size.
  • Intelligent Traffic Management and Prioritization – This feature optimizes the utilization of available bandwidth reducing the need for over-provisioning and ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary resources to save excess bandwidth costs by 10% to 20%.
  • Unifying Heterogeneous Devices – FatPipe SD-WAN has the capability of working as router, stateful/next-gen firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention system, load balancer, unified threat manager, WAN optimizer, DNS, and DHCP as well as provides best-of-breed network performance and fault management system functionalities. This combination saves customer hardware TCO by about 10% to 30%.

Combination of these features during solution design phase leads to significant reduction in customer network costs by more than 50% and also provides better network availability, impregnable security, accelerated WAN traffic, and enhanced user experience for increased organization productivity.

01 Jul

Enhancing Business Productivity with Application Aware Routing

Traditional network architectures, while efficient at routing packets, fall short in understanding the applications being transported and hence are unaware of business priorities. This hinders businesses from achieving optimal operations as there is no real-time application-based traffic routing. Modern networks, equipped with knowledge of the applications they carry, provide multiple benefits to businesses.

Advantage of Application Aware Routing for Modern Businesses  

  • Application Path Control (Steering): When a Data Center link for a major e-commerce company’s Order Booking Application is impaired while a high-value order is being placed, the order will fail to go through. Application-aware routing, a key function, makes real-time routing decisions, redirecting the order booking to a better link ensuring successful Business closure. This involves abstracting, pooling, and assigning the transport infrastructure to applications based on software-defined policies. Application Aware Routing, a major function of Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN), steers and priorities mission-critical traffic ensuring that critical applications like voice and video sessions remain free from jitter, latency, or packet loss

  • Application Quality of Service: Imagine a customer at a bank’s priority desk trying to open an account during busy morning hours. The bank operator struggles with slow Account opening application due to bandwidth in busy hour being consumed by other employees opening large email attachments etc. An application-aware network, with appropriate policies, guarantees express bandwidth to the account opening application, preventing business loss. FatPipe SD-WAN has one of the best Application QoS modules for helping businesses increase profitability.
  • Application Portability: Users should seek solutions enabling easy application deployment across the cloud, data centers, remote premises or disaster recovery sites. The solution should offer centralized management to allow configuration and policy updates to multiple sites from a single interface. When applications move, policies should be easily updated and propagated across the network. FatPipe SD-WAN provides this functionality through user-friendly, zero-touch central orchestrator templates for specific policy directives of each Business.
  • Application Reports: In a remote factory, an employee using most of the bandwidth for personal Google downloads hinders business work. SD-WAN provides granular application reports at the user and link levels, allowing network administrators to diagnose the problem. FatPipe SD-WAN offers deep analytics, including CxO dashboards and detailed reports on top talkers, hosts, applications, and data usage by each application with user segregation enabling high quality Network Performance Management.

In summary, FatPipe SD-WAN application-aware agile and adaptive solutions for Network transformation ensure seamless and high-quality user experiences for enhancing business productivity and profitability.

05 Apr

Empowering County Connectivity: A Journey to 10 Gig Bandwidth Deployment with FatPipe WARP

In an era where connectivity is integral for operations, counties face increasing demands for robust network infrastructure. The deployment of two High Availability 10 gig standard WARPs by FatPipe represents a significant technological milestone for a purpose-led county.

Unlike traditional solutions, FatPipe is uniquely capable of seamlessly failover VoIP, video, VPN, and data from one line to another in a sub-second without dropping calls or disrupting services. This unparalleled capability ensures uninterrupted communication and data access, even during emergencies or network disruptions. One of the distinguishing features of FatPipe technology is its ability to avoid duplication, thereby ensuring optimal bandwidth utilization. This becomes particularly crucial in the context of a 10 Gig deployment, where efficient resource allocation is crucial for meeting the county’s diverse needs.

FatPipe Helps Fulfill the Objectives of the County Effectively

The transition to a 10 gig network leads to a new era of efficiency and capability for the county. With a mandate encompassing the maintenance of peace, tax collection, and infrastructure management, the county relies heavily on seamless connectivity. Bandwidth limitations impeded the county’s critical operations, particularly for the Emergency Management Agency. Time-critical situations demanded swift access to information, underscoring the urgency for robust connectivity.

The 10 gig network not only meets current demands but also lays the foundation for future growth, enabling the county to leverage advanced technologies and streamline operations effectively.

Additional Benefit to the County Thanks to FatPipe’s Site Load Balancing

FatPipe’s add-on feature, Site Load Balancing, augments the county’s network with enhanced redundancy and availability. Facilitating failover between multiple locations and distributing traffic intelligently, this feature ensures uninterrupted connectivity even in the face of disruptions. FatPipe products emerge as the sole solution capable of automating failover processes seamlessly, regardless of carrier specifications, thereby enhancing network resilience and reliability.

FatPipe recognizes the mission-critical nature of county WAN connectivity and is committed to delivering unparalleled customer service and satisfaction. Backed by a team of talented technical and support engineers, FatPipe ensures that county operations remain uninterrupted, with a level of expertise and dedication that is truly “Best of Breed.”

The journey towards 10 gig bandwidth deployment with FatPipe’s solution demonstrates the county’s commitment to embracing innovation and enhancing operational efficiency. By leveraging the unmatched capabilities of FatPipe technology, the county can effectively address its diverse needs while ensuring reliability, efficiency, and affordability in its network operations. As technology continues to evolve, FatPipe remains dedicated to supporting the county’s mission-critical objectives with innovative solutions and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction These words by the county’s IT department’s Co-Director, “FatPipe is a cost-effective, easy to set up and maintain, solution that we can count on. FatPipe makes a rare ISP failure unknowable to our users unless I tell them it happened” precisely summarizes the impact of the deployment on the county.

01 Mar

Empowering Cloud Security: Explore FatPipe SD-WAN’s ‘Bring Your Own Firewall’ Advantage

In today’s evolving landscape of digital transformation, the path to adopting Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) varies widely depending on the organization, reflecting the unique circumstances and objectives of each entity embarking on this transformative journey. At FatPipe, we recognize the unique nature of every SASE transition. We understand that each organization starts this journey from a different starting point, which highlights the importance of a flexible approach that delivers tangible benefits at every step.

Flexibility isn’t just about incremental wins; it’s about empowering organizations to adapt and evolve on their terms. FatPipe follows a flexible approach that not only acknowledges but embraces the diverse needs and circumstances of our customers. At FatPipe, we have innovated our SD-WAN solutions with a third-party Bring Your Own Firewall (BYOF) model to provide organizations with unparalleled flexibility and choice in their security infrastructure. This approach allows organizations to leverage their preferred firewall technology within FatPipe’s SASE framework, creating a cohesive and robust security environment tailored to their specific needs.

Bring Your Own Firewall Integration


Benefits of FatPipe SD-WAN Bring your own Line and Bring Your Own Firewall Integration

  • The integration between FatPipe SD-WAN and third-party firewalls is developed to facilitate a smooth and efficient flow of traffic within the SASE architecture. By seamlessly integrating these elements, organizations can ensure that their network traffic is routed through their chosen firewall for inspection and enforcement of security policies. This integration streamlines security operations and ensures consistent protection across the entire network infrastructure.
  • Within the SASE framework, FatPipe’s SD-WAN acts as the foundation for connectivity, providing feature of “Bring your own line” which allows seamless aggregated connectivity across heterogeneous media types e.g., Wireless, Wireline, MPLS, Internet, 4G/5G etc. The third-party firewall, brought in by the organization under the BYOF model, serves as an additional layer of defense, augmenting the security capabilities of the SD-WAN solution. Together, these components work in tandem to safeguard against a wide spectrum of threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring comprehensive protection for the organization’s digital assets.
  • This integrated approach not only enhances security but also provides higher Network Uptimes with seamless integration of heterogeneous lines with simple administration for IT teams. By consolidating networking and security functions within a unified platform, organizations can reduce complexity, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency. Moreover, the flexibility offered by the BYOF and BYOL model enables organizations to leverage their existing investments in security infrastructure, maximizing ROI while benefiting from the advanced capabilities of FatPipe’s SASE-enabled SD-WAN solution.
08 Feb

Fortifying Cyber Defenses: FatPipe’s Holistic Approach on ZTNA

With the relentless evolution of cybersecurity threats, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) emerges as a transformative solution empowering organization to safeguard their networks and data. Unlike traditional security paradigms, ZTNA adopts a never trust, always verify approach, bolstering security even in the face of complex challenges. ZTNA’s emphasis on access management becomes paramount in the era of corporate network where the security boundaries are increasingly blurred due to fact that the applications can be anywhere, users are everywhere, and data is also everywhere. In such an environment ZTNA becomes critical for strictly permitting access only to authenticated users, devices, and applications. At the forefront of this security evolution stands FatPipe, leveraging its expertise to elevate security standards through a holistic ZTNA approach. FatPipe ZTNA not only ensures robust protection for organizational data and applications but also delivers exceptional user experience.

Why Organizations Need to Choose ZTNA over Traditional VPNs

Enhanced Security

ZTNA works on the principle of least privilege, ensuring that users, devices, and applications only access what is necessary for their roles. This granular approach significantly reduces the attack surface and mitigates the risk of lateral movement in case of a security breach. By focusing on identity verification and stringent access controls, ZTNA offers a higher level of security compared to traditional VPNs.


ZTNA solutions, with cloud-based options, bring unparalleled versatility as they can be seamlessly implemented across various locations with minimal disruption to the user experience. This adaptability is a significant distinction from traditional VPNs, which typically demand more manual configuration, leading to potential complexities and user inconvenience. While cloud VPNs can offer comparable flexibility to ZTNA, they often come with a constrained feature set. ZTNA’s cloud-native architecture not only ensures a high degree of flexibility but also maintains a rich feature set, allowing organizations to establish secure connections with ease and agility.

User Experience

While traditional VPNs demand individual setup on each user’s device and reliance on single-sign-on (SSO), ZTNA transforms the user experience with a cloud-based, seamless approach. ZTNA eliminates the need for users to remember frequent logins, allowing seamless access to organizational resources across any device without additional configuration. In contrast to the intricate setup of VPNs, ZTNA offers a modern, user-centric solution that prioritizes accessibility and efficiency.


ZTNA has exceptional scalability, offering a centralized approach to user access control that simplifies access management for organizations. In contrast to traditional VPNs, ZTNA excels in accommodating the evolving needs of a growing user base and increasing device numbers. By centralizing user identity and access control, ZTNA streamlines the process of onboarding new users and devices, making it both efficient and adaptable.

FatPipe ZTNA Use Case

FatPipe provides comprehensive ZTNA solution comprising of features like application-specific access control, micro-segmentation, continuous trust verification, dynamic policy enforcement, identify-centric security, secure remote access, etc. FatPipe also provides custom ZTNA solutions to meet the specific needs and requirements of your organization.

In deploying secure dedicated connectivity for mobile tablet users over LTE (4G/5G), the customer who is a services company leverages FatPipe ZTNA to enhance security and to ensure that all connections are treated as untrusted, requiring rigorous user authentication and dynamic, context-aware policy enforcement. This micro-segmentation approach secures the traffic processed by FatPipe and delivers it to the customer’s network or the internet. Continuous monitoring and reduced attack surface contribute to the framework’s effectiveness, providing scalability and flexibility to adapt to the dynamic nature of a mobile workforce.

For optimal security, FatPipe ZTNA focusing on industry standard access controls integrates FatPipe SASE portfolio for network and security convergence. This integration ensures a robust defense mechanism by addressing both the network and security aspects cohesively, aligning with the dynamic and evolving nature of modern cybersecurity requirements.