11 Jul

How FatPipe SD-WAN Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Network Infrastructure

Several enterprises, even now, rely on standard WAN and SD-WAN offerings that generate high CAPEX and OPEX costs. This poses a high risk; the expenses for maintaining legacy WAN systems will eventually surpass the investment required for a modern, business-aligned network solution.  Companies witness around 20-30% cost reduction when they switch to the SD-WAN solution (according to reports) but embracing FatPipe software-defined approach reduces Network TCO by more than 50% ensuring FatPipe SD-WAN investment break even for customers in less than one year.

Industry Unique Features of FatPipe for SD-WAN Investment Break Even in less than one year

FatPipe being the inventor of key SD-WAN features has patented and innovative ways of network transformation for reducing network TCO.

  • Single IP Framework for Link Aggregation – FatPipe MPVPN patented technology aggregates traffic of heterogeneous last mile e.g. MPLS, Internet, broadband, LTE, 5G, wireless, leased lines, and satellite in end-to-end single IP framework enabling traffic navigation across multi- technology links. This traffic load balancing can reduce per annum customer bandwidth costs by 20-30%.
  • Load Balancing without Traffic Duplication – FatPipe SD-WAN MPSEC TM patent ensures no duplication of traffic among redundant lines during data, voice and video to ensure customer bandwidth savings up to 50% year on year.
  • WAN Optimization – Reduces TCO through advanced WAN optimization techniques namely caching, compression, de-duplication etc. FatPipe WAN optimization is at an innovative byte level, ensuring industry-best traffic optimization granularity. These features reduce bandwidth costs between 10% and 90% depending on payload application nature.
  • Selective Encryption – FatPipe’s patented hybrid WAN technology selectively encrypts only the traffic placed on public links, avoiding encryption on MPLS traffic. This feature reduces encryption overheads ensuring potential bandwidth savings by 30% depending on packet size.
  • Intelligent Traffic Management and Prioritization – This feature optimizes the utilization of available bandwidth reducing the need for over-provisioning and ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary resources to save excess bandwidth costs by 10% to 20%.
  • Unifying Heterogeneous Devices – FatPipe SD-WAN has the capability of working as router, stateful/next-gen firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention system, load balancer, unified threat manager, WAN optimizer, DNS, and DHCP as well as provides best-of-breed network performance and fault management system functionalities. This combination saves customer hardware TCO by about 10% to 30%.

Combination of these features during solution design phase leads to significant reduction in customer network costs by more than 50% and also provides better network availability, impregnable security, accelerated WAN traffic, and enhanced user experience for increased organization productivity.

08 Nov

Managed SD-WAN Continues to Gain Traction

Fully managed SD‐WAN service is the choice of customers as the complete deployment and management of the end-to-end SD‐WAN solution with proactive issue resolution is taken care of by the Managed SD-WAN provider. Managed SD-WAN provides a centralized control center that actively oversees the network’s edge devices, enabling real-time detection of anomalies or performance issues. By swiftly identifying and addressing these concerns, Managed SD-WAN ensures continuous network stability, security, and optimal performance, serving as the backbone for the reliability and seamless operation of corporate infrastructures.

Managed SD-WAN services offer several key benefits across the U.S. in terms of providing proactive network monitoring and network health and performance alerting:

1.Continuous Monitoring

Ensures proactive monitoring of the network. This continuous surveillance allows for early detection of potential issues, enabling prompt resolution before they escalate and affect network performance. By actively overseeing the network, these services can identify patterns, anomalies, or deviations from the norm, helping to maintain network health.

2. Proactive Issue Resolution

Helps detect and address potential issues before they impact the network. This approach minimizes downtime and optimizes network performance, as issues can be dealt with swiftly, often before end-users notice them.

3. Enhanced Security Measures

Ensures network performance and assists in the early detection of security threats or breaches. Alerting systems signal security issues promptly, enabling immediate action to mitigate potential risks and strengthen the network’s defenses.

4. Deep Analytical Reports 

Provides deep analytical reports such as link-wise applications, data segregation, Quality of Service reports, etc. These reports are presented in easy- easy-to-understand charts and tables with associated dashboards and flexibility to summarize the report in the desired format. It also provides timely notifications and alerts and ensures that the responsible team is immediately informed of any irregularities or potential problems, enabling rapid responses to rectify issues before they affect the network’s health or performance.

5. Focus on Core Business Functions

Allows us to focus more on core business operations. With experts managing network health and performance, internal IT teams can direct their efforts toward strategic initiatives and essential business tasks rather than day-to-day network monitoring.

FatPipe Managed SD-WAN services perform proactive network monitoring and network health and performance alerting to identify and address issues in real-time promptly using cutting-edge tools like Symphony Orchestration and Enterprise View 2.0 TM. This is helpful in the detection of performance bottlenecks, security threats, or connectivity problems, enabling organizations to take immediate action, maintain network reliability, and provide a seamless user experience. Clear communication and expectation setting, equipped with robust, proactive monitoring, help in transparent engagement and manage customer expectations. Redundancy strategies and swift, responsive support mechanisms ensure reliability, a user-focused approach provides enhanced customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement underscores the commitment to overcoming external challenges.

27 Oct

Adaptive, Intelligent, and Faster Connectivity: FatPipe SD-WAN’s Pivotal Role in Traffic Management

Both small businesses and branch offices of large enterprises constantly struggle to manage network traffic for the best possible network uptime, latency, and other network key metrics’ SLAs. Efficient traffic management is a must-have for a seamless and responsive network infrastructure. FatPipe Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) offers a dynamic solution for aggregating multiple heterogeneous network links with numerous possibilities of load balancing traffic across these links for achieving higher network SLAs. It optimizes traffic flows with many techniques, ensuring critical applications get top priority while non-essential data simultaneously navigate alternative routes for enhanced end-user experience.

FatPipe SD-WAN for Seamless Link Aggregation

FatPipe SD-WAN provides flawless network link aggregation with seamless, intelligent sub-second failover from primary line to secondary line without any break or disconnection in Voice, Video, and Data traffic using the patented framework of Multi-Path Security (MPSEC TM). This network intelligence is central to routing specific types of traffic to dedicated links, allowing organizations to maintain high control and flexibility in their network operations.

FatPipe SD-WAN for Traffic Agility 

FatPipe’s patented technology dynamically places data sessions on all the lines, including multiple MPLS, DIA, broadband, 4G/LTE, and satellite (and any combination thereof) without the use of BGP or any other dynamic routing protocol to provide the highest levels of security, redundancy and speed for VPNs. This maximizes the data traffic and speeds up data transmission, resulting in better ROI. With this patented technology, FatPipe SD-WAN can intelligently manage traffic over low-cost data lines with rotating / dynamic IP addresses.

FatPipe SD-WAN for Prioritizing Different Traffics 

Organizations can be assured that essential or time-critical traffic flows without delays by providing a higher priority value. Even a relatively minor delay could lead to a prominent reduction in service quality of applications. SD-WAN manages temporary traffic by dynamically allocating network resources. It achieves this by intelligently distributing traffic across available links, prioritizing critical applications, and adapting to changing conditions to optimize bandwidth usage.

FatPipe is a leader in the industry for SD-WAN, WAN Edge solutions, and true WAN traffic management. The effective traffic management enabled by SD-WAN is crucial for network optimization, ensuring seamless connectivity, optimal resource utilization, and a responsive, reliable digital environment. FatPipe’s innovative approach is linked to its responsiveness to customer demands, ensuring it remains at the forefront of the industry. With a rich, comprehensive suite of software to customize application traffic on-premise or in the cloud, as well as for remote users and offices, FatPipe offers true WAN traffic management.

26 Sep

Secure SD-WAN: Essential Element of Modern Network Security

SD-WAN is one of the most widely adopted technologies in the last decade due to its efficiency in optimizing application delivery and cost-efficiency. Network security has become an indispensable element of modern networks. Organizations must thoroughly evaluate their cybersecurity needs. They must assess the efficiency of SD-WAN’s security features to protect sensitive data, proactively identify vulnerabilities, and maintain the resilience of their SD-WAN infrastructure.

SD-WAN for Better Return on Investments and Enhanced Security

SD-WAN enables organizations to transform their network with better Return on Investments by optimizing network performance and enhancing overall productivity. While SD-WAN has many power-packed features for better ROI, one of multiple organizations’ extensively used SD-WAN features during this network transformation journey is migrating from MPLS technology to Internet technology for Edge connectivity. This migration requires the technological capability of seamless aggregation of any connectivity and robust security functionalities in SD-WAN technology to prevent the Edge from cyber-attacks.

Securing an SD-WAN deployment from end to end is vital to safeguard sensitive data and ensure the reliability of network operations. To achieve this, organizations can utilize several security measures, including encrypted traffic, Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and blockchain-type data transmission:

  • SD-WAN encrypts traffic to make sure that sensitive data is not compromised.
  • SD-WAN utilizes NGFWs that offer advanced threat security, intrusion detection and prevention, web filtering, content filtering, etc.
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) enhances security when used alongside SD-WAN by providing secure, monitored, and enforced access to remote resources, safeguarding against unauthorized access and threats. Only authorized users and devices have the permission to access the network.
  • SD-WAN provides unmatched security with innovative concepts like Blockchain type of data transmission thereby offering foolproof mechanisms of data packet transmission.

FatPipe Networks, the inventor and numerous patents holder of SD-WAN, not only provides technically superior load balancing, link reliability, link aggregation techniques but also impregnable native security and SASE-based security for any organization’s SD-WAN requirements. FatPipe has invented a unique way of securely transmitting data over lines with multi-path security also known as MPSEC TM, which provides an additional level of fortification for business-critical traffic throughout a client’s enterprise architecture. FatPipe products, besides providing increased security also obfuscates internet traffic, making it almost impossible to decrypt, through a mechanism similar to Blockchain technology.