01 Jul

Enhancing Business Productivity with Application Aware Routing

Traditional network architectures, while efficient at routing packets, fall short in understanding the applications being transported and hence are unaware of business priorities. This hinders businesses from achieving optimal operations as there is no real-time application-based traffic routing. Modern networks, equipped with knowledge of the applications they carry, provide multiple benefits to businesses.

Advantage of Application Aware Routing for Modern Businesses  

  • Application Path Control (Steering): When a Data Center link for a major e-commerce company’s Order Booking Application is impaired while a high-value order is being placed, the order will fail to go through. Application-aware routing, a key function, makes real-time routing decisions, redirecting the order booking to a better link ensuring successful Business closure. This involves abstracting, pooling, and assigning the transport infrastructure to applications based on software-defined policies. Application Aware Routing, a major function of Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN), steers and priorities mission-critical traffic ensuring that critical applications like voice and video sessions remain free from jitter, latency, or packet loss

  • Application Quality of Service: Imagine a customer at a bank’s priority desk trying to open an account during busy morning hours. The bank operator struggles with slow Account opening application due to bandwidth in busy hour being consumed by other employees opening large email attachments etc. An application-aware network, with appropriate policies, guarantees express bandwidth to the account opening application, preventing business loss. FatPipe SD-WAN has one of the best Application QoS modules for helping businesses increase profitability.
  • Application Portability: Users should seek solutions enabling easy application deployment across the cloud, data centers, remote premises or disaster recovery sites. The solution should offer centralized management to allow configuration and policy updates to multiple sites from a single interface. When applications move, policies should be easily updated and propagated across the network. FatPipe SD-WAN provides this functionality through user-friendly, zero-touch central orchestrator templates for specific policy directives of each Business.
  • Application Reports: In a remote factory, an employee using most of the bandwidth for personal Google downloads hinders business work. SD-WAN provides granular application reports at the user and link levels, allowing network administrators to diagnose the problem. FatPipe SD-WAN offers deep analytics, including CxO dashboards and detailed reports on top talkers, hosts, applications, and data usage by each application with user segregation enabling high quality Network Performance Management.

In summary, FatPipe SD-WAN application-aware agile and adaptive solutions for Network transformation ensure seamless and high-quality user experiences for enhancing business productivity and profitability.

12 Dec

Control, Prioritize, Shape and Optimize WAN Traffic with FatPipe Multiline QoS

In a busy corporate network, imagine a scenario where real-time voice/video and critical business applications contend with routine tasks for bandwidth. This is an unavoidable situation sometimes but it results in stakeholders’ dissatisfaction and business monetary loss. Traffic prioritization resolves this by intelligently assigning priority levels, optimizing data flow, and refining overall network efficiency. FatPipe SD-WAN employs traffic prioritization for assurance that packets are transported from a source to a destination with certain characteristics corresponding to the requirements of the service that the packet flow supports. FatPipe SD-WAN also dynamically routes traffic through the most efficient path and adjusts real-time prioritization.

FatPipe traffic prioritization ensures the user assigns a certain amount of bandwidth to each type of traffic, and it is defined by committed rate (CR) and Burst rate. Committed rate of a traffic type defines the amount of bandwidth guaranteed to be available for that type of traffic at any time the associated link is up. Burst rate is required for QoS and defines the upper limit for bandwidth that can be made available to the traffic type. This helps maintain a fair and efficient use of the company’s Internet resources.

FatPipe Traffic Prioritization using QoS

FatPipe’s traffic prioritization controls the traffic volume entering a network using Quality of Service (QoS) policies. FatPipe QoS also controls incoming network traffic by letting the user limit the rate at which the LAN receives traffic from each WAN link. While this does not help conserve bandwidth, it can help reduce unwanted connection-oriented traffic. The Inbound Policed Rate defines the limit above to which all incoming traffic that it applies will be dropped. FatPipe QoS can classify packets based on the application they belong to. FatPipe QoS can also work with application-specific information regardless of port numbers used by transport protocols. FatPipe SD-WAN also provides the capability of scheduling QoS policies for eg., if the Chairman of Company wants to have company-wide Video Conferencing on a specific date and time in the future, the QoS policies can be configured to give priority to Video traffic on that particular date and time providing peace of mind to network administrators.

Multiline QoS combined with Link Load Balancing

FatPipe’s improved Multi-line QoS technology includes application layer multi-lineQoS (layer 7) in addition to the networking layer where you can assign bandwidth by IP orport (layers 3 and 4). Unlike traditional Multi-line QoS, FatPipe Multi-line QoS is combined with link load balancing, which ensures that rules are applied to additional or secondary lines when a failure occurs to your primary WAN line, providing redundancy for your WAN infrastructure data transmissions.