10 Jan

Part 3: FatPipe SD-WAN for Technology Leaders

What Technology Leaders Should Look for in a Good SD-WAN: Part 3 of Our SD-WAN Insights Series

Hope you found our previous blog “What Network Administrators Should Look for in a Good SD-WAN: Part 2 of Our SD-WAN Insights Series” informative. In the next blog on this series, we have shared the set of FatPipe SD-WAN features that technology leaders including CEOs and CIOs will find useful.

Technology leadership can be a crucial achiever with regard to an organization’s operational and strategic facets. They are vested with the objective to select technology solutions that future-proof their organizations but also reduce total cost of ownership. Join us in understanding what it takes to be a good SD-WAN solution for a CTO and CIO as well as harness the full potential your network infrastructure with FatPipe SD-WAN and cloud-based security products at much lower cost than existing network spend.

Improvement in Network Performance and SLAs

FatPipe SD-WAN provides a patent-based technique to aggregate divergent media links that improves network SLA manifold even in remotest areas. Moreover, FatPipe has the unique ability of data transmission across lines without the use of dynamic routing protocols using FatPipe MPSec TM that makes network lighter, simpler, faster and more secure. Please refer to our Intelligent WAN Edge blog for more details.

Simple Network

FatPipe SD-WAN offers another patent of single IP framework across divergent links to avoid maze and complexity of managing multiple IP addresses on the device to ensure that the network is simple to manage and operate. Centralized management platform of FatPipe offers zero touch configuration and simple single-click change management for most of the use cases. This ultimately leads to enhanced performance and unmatched reliability and has potential to reduce network management manpower as the network setup becomes less complicated.

Cost Savings of upto 50%

FatPipe being the inventor of key SD-WAN features has patented and innovative ways of network transformation for reducing network TCO by 50%. Read our blog on How FatPipe SD-WAN Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Network Infrastructure to understand the vast SD-WAN expertise and experience, with relevant use cases for significant reduction in organizational network costs.

Total Security

FatPipe provides security that is scalable helping organizations of varied sizes with its advanced protection against a wide spectrum of threats through its blockchain level of transmission, stateful firewall, web filtering, powerful IDS and IPS, DDoS attack protection, cloud security, e-mail attachment containment, and compliance monitoring.

Deep Analytics and Dashboards

FatPipe SD-WAN protects the total infrastructure from potential risks through its focus on links, application and security reporting. It vigilantly monitors traffic patterns and identifies suspicious activities in real-time, thus placing your organization one step ahead of security breaches.  

Cloud Security aka SASE Enablement

Extending SD-WAN with the security functions of SASE ensures a holistic and robust defense against cyber threats for organizations.

Adaptability to Cloud Architecture

FatPipe SD-WAN seamlessly adapts to cloud architecture thereby simplifying operations and not negatively impacting total costs.

Our teams are just one phone call / one email away for CTOs and CIOs to provide detailed presentation along with case studies on FatPipe unique features.

01 Mar

Empowering Cloud Security: Explore FatPipe SD-WAN’s ‘Bring Your Own Firewall’ Advantage

In today’s evolving landscape of digital transformation, the path to adopting Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) varies widely depending on the organization, reflecting the unique circumstances and objectives of each entity embarking on this transformative journey. At FatPipe, we recognize the unique nature of every SASE transition. We understand that each organization starts this journey from a different starting point, which highlights the importance of a flexible approach that delivers tangible benefits at every step.

Flexibility isn’t just about incremental wins; it’s about empowering organizations to adapt and evolve on their terms. FatPipe follows a flexible approach that not only acknowledges but embraces the diverse needs and circumstances of our customers. At FatPipe, we have innovated our SD-WAN solutions with a third-party Bring Your Own Firewall (BYOF) model to provide organizations with unparalleled flexibility and choice in their security infrastructure. This approach allows organizations to leverage their preferred firewall technology within FatPipe’s SASE framework, creating a cohesive and robust security environment tailored to their specific needs.

Bring Your Own Firewall Integration


Benefits of FatPipe SD-WAN Bring your own Line and Bring Your Own Firewall Integration

  • The integration between FatPipe SD-WAN and third-party firewalls is developed to facilitate a smooth and efficient flow of traffic within the SASE architecture. By seamlessly integrating these elements, organizations can ensure that their network traffic is routed through their chosen firewall for inspection and enforcement of security policies. This integration streamlines security operations and ensures consistent protection across the entire network infrastructure.
  • Within the SASE framework, FatPipe’s SD-WAN acts as the foundation for connectivity, providing feature of “Bring your own line” which allows seamless aggregated connectivity across heterogeneous media types e.g., Wireless, Wireline, MPLS, Internet, 4G/5G etc. The third-party firewall, brought in by the organization under the BYOF model, serves as an additional layer of defense, augmenting the security capabilities of the SD-WAN solution. Together, these components work in tandem to safeguard against a wide spectrum of threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring comprehensive protection for the organization’s digital assets.
  • This integrated approach not only enhances security but also provides higher Network Uptimes with seamless integration of heterogeneous lines with simple administration for IT teams. By consolidating networking and security functions within a unified platform, organizations can reduce complexity, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency. Moreover, the flexibility offered by the BYOF and BYOL model enables organizations to leverage their existing investments in security infrastructure, maximizing ROI while benefiting from the advanced capabilities of FatPipe’s SASE-enabled SD-WAN solution.