31 Jan

Make your Cloud Strategy YOUR Cloud Strategy

cloud strategy

There is no question that the move to the cloud is in full swing.  When you read any technical publication, the cloud is all they can talk about.  While cloud computing continues to see incredible growth, there are some facts that seem to missed.  According to research done by Morgan Stanley, 79% of the computing workload is done on premise.  While the number is expected to drop to 56% in 2021, premise-based data centers still carry the bulk of compute workload.

There are some reasons companies keep applications on-premise.  These can be security concerns, latency concerns, regulatory concerns or even corporate culture reasons.  For whatever reason, it is clear that premise-based computing with continue to be a critical component of the IT infrastructure for the foreseeable future.

While premise-based computing will continue to be part of the equation, it is important to develop your cloud IT strategy.  Most companies are adopting a hybrid IT strategy with portions of the compute workload remaining in the promise data center and other portions being outsources to a public cloud.  When adopting your hybrid IT strategy, you must customize it to your company to be successful.  Consider which applications are most latency sensitive, or have critical security components and strongly consider leaving them on premise. It is important to make your cloud strategy your cloud strategy.

Of course, connectivity is crucial to any cloud or hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe is the expert at hybrid WAN and can help with your hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe has spent nearly two decades developing solutions that are simple, efficient, dynamic & adaptable connections between users, applications, and their data.

These innovations have continued with the announcement of general availability of FatPipe for Azure.  FatPipe for Azure allows customers to seamlessly integrate an Azure cloud site into their MPSec/SD-WAN overlay and get the same benefits of MPSec that they get from a premise-based data center.  FatPipe ensures that your cloud applications, whether it is Salesforce, Office 365, or Google docs don’t have the quality issues during download, screen refresh, or when the line drops. Latency and jiiter as well as application prioritization is managed by your FatPipe ensuring a better quality experience.

24 Jan

Thoughts after Avaya Engage 2019

FatPipe Networks Avaya Engage 2019

FatPipe Networks Avaya Engage 2019

I just returned from Avaya Engage 2019 in Austin where FatPipe sponsored a booth in the solutions expo.  It is always a pleasure to attend these events and hear first-hand what customers are looking for in the solutions expo.  One theme we kept hearing was regarding cloud-hosted or cloud-ready UC and CC, and specifically, how do you ensure network performance when you move to the cloud.

Ensuring WAN performance for UC/CC is something FatPipe does well.  During the conference Avaya discussed their AIX-Mobility solution, (Avaya Mobile Experience) FatPipe is providing one of the foundational technologies for this product.  Customers of AIX-Mobility connect to the Avaya Cloud via FatPipe’s SD-WAN technology.  This allows for rapid and cost-effective deployment of the service because there is no one to provision dedicated MPLS circuit to call center locations, the connection to the Avaya cloud can be made over an internet connection, dedicated MPLS circuits, or a hybrid combination of connections.  FatPipe’s SD-WAN monitors the quality of the paths and intelligently directs the calls to the most appropriate path.

One of the reasons why Avaya chose FatPipe over other SD-WAN providers is FatPipe’s unique ability to do stateful, sub-second call failover without having to duplicate packets. There are also several other techniques that FatPipe uses to ensure the highest call quality and low bandwidth use. For example, the packet duplication requirement that other SD-WAN providers put on stateful failover was seen as a large burden on Avaya’s network plans.  Having to double-provision bandwidth does not work on the scale AIX-Mobility is designed for.

FatPipe’s efficient means of VoIP management works both at the carrier level, like Avaya, and for enterprises.  To learn more about FatPipe’s SD-WAN for VoIP click here

11 Sep

Top 100 Furniture Retailer Chooses FatPipe SD-WAN to Ensure Business Continuity

SALT LAKE CITY, UT– One of America’s top 100 furniture retailers* has chosen FatPipe SD-WAN technology for multi-line network redundancy and fail-over. Processing orders and general office communications are supported by a site-to-site VPN infrastructure directly connected to its headquarters. “Computer automation is a key element to our overall business process,” said the Network Engineer. A stable VPN is essential to the furniture outlet’s ability to conduct business.

The company realized how mission critical its VPN was when communications to one of its warehouses was cut off for one entire business day due to a downed line. The line was physically cut, accidentally, on account of construction in the area. The data stream was stopped and productivity was significantly affected. They experienced delays in putting through orders because they had to revert to manual processes. Their inventory control was difficult to maintain and had to be reconciled from paper records once the data line was available again.

“Our entire business process for that location was affected when our VPN went down,” said the Network Engineer. Other applications, including email, accounting, inventory software, and warehouse management software all were run over the VPN. “We hit the point where downtime is unacceptable,” said the Network Engineer.

He and his team researched ways to mitigate the effects of WAN downtime. They first considered BGP. According to the Network Engineer, it was a hassle. “We started the ball rolling on implementing BGP and the more we got into it, the more difficult it was becoming, so we looked for an easier solution that was just as effective, but less expensive and time consuming. We chose FatPipe SD-WAN.”

Not only can FatPipe’s SD-WAN conduct line failover automatically, it is dynamic and works with the company’s diverse combination of data lines including DSL – something BGP simply cannot do. The company uses FatPipe to aggregate a mixed breed of DSL, T1, wireless, and Metro-Ethernet rings at the various sites. Data is automatically failed over to available lines if a connection, component, or service fails.

The company also enjoys the added benefit of FatPipe’s patented security overlay technology, MPSec, which provides an additional layer of security.

The Network Engineering teams are implementing other mission critical applications, including VoIP, over its VPN, where IP data route control and QoS will come into play. These features are integrated into FatPipe’s SD-WAN solution.


FatPipe® Networks founders Dr. Ragula Bhaskar and Sanchaita Datta invented the concept of software defined wide area networking and hybrid WANs that eliminate the need for hardware and software, or cooperation from ISPs and allows companies to control WAN traffic. FatPipe currently has 11 U.S. patents and over 180 technology claims related to multipath, software defined networking. FatPipe technology provides the world’s best intra-corporate wide area network solutions that transcend Internet and other network failures to maintain business continuity and high transmission security. FatPipe, with several thousand customers, has offices in the United States, and around the world, with over 700 resellers worldwide including almost all national resellers in the US.

*FatPipe does not release the names of its customers as a general policy of confidentiality.



Hayley Doehler

(801)281-3434 ext. 2221

E-mail hayley@fatpipeinc.com

04 Sep

FatPipe is Exhibiting at Cloud Partners 2014

Companies are centralizing applications that were traditionally hosted on local machines in a branch to a centralized data center and to the cloud.  Maintaining WAN Connectivity is crucial in a virtualized environment.  Centralization of IT Resources provides cost savings and security benefits, these benefit can be wiped out in a single network outage.  Companies migrate to cloud applications for flexibility, availability and cost savings.  Shouldn’t the wide area network architecture align with these same benefits?

FatPipe will be showcasing our MPSec technology, which enables companies to align their WAN architecture with cloud computing initiative, at  Cloud Partners 2014 September 8 – 10 in New Orleans, LA.    We will be located at booth #818.  This trade show is an opportunity with reseller partners to see how FatPipe can fit into their cloud portfolio.

For information on becoming a FatPipe partner or to schedule on on site meeting in New Orleans, CLICK HERE