20 Mar

The Most Important Factors Affecting WAN Administrators Today

Organizations are looking at how to reduce the costs of WAN management and WAN optimization.  With the advent of Cloud based applications for a private, public or hybrid cloud, businesses are searching for the best solution to help not only implement these changes, but to manage them as well.   Here are three of the most important factors affecting WAN administration today:

  1. Security: Without question, the most important factor affecting the implementation of any SD-WAN solution, is security. Our research revealed that security of applications hosted in the cloud and locally was paramount to IT administrators.    But it is not only security of cloud based applications.  Transmission across the WAN is equally important, especially for organizations with international operations.
  2. Ease of Management: This gives rise to the second most important factor affecting WAN administrators.   Administrator skills required to manage the WAN.   Organizations cited that the need to have highly skilled, and in some cases, vendor certified personnel to manage their WAN equipment was costing too much, especially with on-going maintenance of proprietary systems and solutions.  More than 50% of respondents stated that they have difficulty in retaining IT expertise, especially in today’s job market.   Solutions that keep it simple, easy to manage and cost effective are preferred.
  3. Compatibility with existing networks:  Very few suppliers can claim to have a suite of offerings that can address the complex need to address security, ease of management of private and public cloud application needs and compatibility with existing networks.    Rip and replace is not something WAN administrators want, or should do.   There is growing need to upgrade, enhance and augment existing infrastructures, using the equipment and legacy systems to help implement a SD-WAN solution that is compatible with current networking technology and protocols such as BGP. EIGRP, and OSPF, and well as provide inbound and outbound load balancing and traffic control.

FatPipe offers its customers SD-WAN solutions with WAN Optimization and network optimization.  These solutions are available as appliances, virtual machines (VMs) and instances in the Azure and AWS cloud.

FatPipe has always been a company serving network administrators.   FatPipe was providing SD-WAN solutions long before SD-WAN became a buzz word.  The solutions are built to work with existing LAN and WAN infrastructures and protocols.  In fact, FatPipe is the only SD-WAN vendor to support up to 40Gbps bandwidth and up to 15 interfaces.  

FatPipe Networks – www.fatpipeinc.com Call 801683-5656 x 1224

06 Feb

Employees sent home due to carrier line outage

 Recently a nationwide CenturyLink outage knocked out 911 voice calls, ATM withdrawals, and hospital patient records.  Locally in Salt Lake City, a manufacturing business had to send their employees home costing tens of thousands of dollars in lost business.

Additionally, a major bank could not conduct business as usual as they could not access data or applications located in the Cloud or reach their branches.    This is not an “unusual” occurrence.    Line Outages are more common with the massive demand on carriers to provide more bandwidth and access to applications and data stored in cloud based centers across the country.   Of course, if these businesses had multi-line secure, sub second failover technology installed, none of these disruptions would have occurred.    FatPipe’s patented technology has proven itself time and again, most recently with a Chicago based town council, when bad weather caused their primary network to suffer an outage.    With FatPipe’s solution, employees did not see any disruption whatsoever, unaware of the major outage.   The council called FatPipe, not to register a support call, but to thank FatPipe for their solution that worked flawlessly.   Modern networks are more crucial than ever before, especially for mission critical information such as that found in healthcare, financial and local government institutions.    FatPipe pioneered technology to keep networks up using any link type, including LTE, 3G,4G,5G, fiber, leased, satellite, DSL, cable, wireless, and Internet.

31 Jan

Cloud-Hosted, Cloud Enabled Unified Communications WAN

Securely Evolving UC and CC with FatPipe SD-WAN for Success in the Cloud

At Avaya Engage, we featured our recently completed Avaya DevConnect test results. Successful UC and CC deployments must be architected on a network with reliable, redundant, load-balanced internet connectivity delivering ample bandwidth. Avaya Aura 8.0 and Avaya IP Office 11.0 combined with FatPipe SD-WAN has been DevConnect tested to complement and extend joint value from premised based and between the cloud or HQ and the branch. FatPipe’s policy engine manages QOS, jitter, latency, and WAN Optimization ensures good call quality and sub-second failover for NO dropped calls.

All About the Cloud

It’s was all about the cloud! FatPipe Networks Dynamic Path Selection of Multiple Active Hybrid wide area network (WAN) paths is an effective Next GEN SD-WAN transformation solution that provides a critical aspect of a diversified hybrid Cloud WAN infrastructure.

We reviewed investment areas in the cloud for next generation WANs and how FatPipe’s routing options for internet traffic flow deliver an optimal user experience for business cloud applications like Avaya.

31 Jan

Make your Cloud Strategy YOUR Cloud Strategy

cloud strategy

There is no question that the move to the cloud is in full swing.  When you read any technical publication, the cloud is all they can talk about.  While cloud computing continues to see incredible growth, there are some facts that seem to missed.  According to research done by Morgan Stanley, 79% of the computing workload is done on premise.  While the number is expected to drop to 56% in 2021, premise-based data centers still carry the bulk of compute workload.

There are some reasons companies keep applications on-premise.  These can be security concerns, latency concerns, regulatory concerns or even corporate culture reasons.  For whatever reason, it is clear that premise-based computing with continue to be a critical component of the IT infrastructure for the foreseeable future.

While premise-based computing will continue to be part of the equation, it is important to develop your cloud IT strategy.  Most companies are adopting a hybrid IT strategy with portions of the compute workload remaining in the promise data center and other portions being outsources to a public cloud.  When adopting your hybrid IT strategy, you must customize it to your company to be successful.  Consider which applications are most latency sensitive, or have critical security components and strongly consider leaving them on premise. It is important to make your cloud strategy your cloud strategy.

Of course, connectivity is crucial to any cloud or hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe is the expert at hybrid WAN and can help with your hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe has spent nearly two decades developing solutions that are simple, efficient, dynamic & adaptable connections between users, applications, and their data.

These innovations have continued with the announcement of general availability of FatPipe for Azure.  FatPipe for Azure allows customers to seamlessly integrate an Azure cloud site into their MPSec/SD-WAN overlay and get the same benefits of MPSec that they get from a premise-based data center.  FatPipe ensures that your cloud applications, whether it is Salesforce, Office 365, or Google docs don’t have the quality issues during download, screen refresh, or when the line drops. Latency and jiiter as well as application prioritization is managed by your FatPipe ensuring a better quality experience.

24 Jan

Thoughts after Avaya Engage 2019

FatPipe Networks Avaya Engage 2019

FatPipe Networks Avaya Engage 2019

I just returned from Avaya Engage 2019 in Austin where FatPipe sponsored a booth in the solutions expo.  It is always a pleasure to attend these events and hear first-hand what customers are looking for in the solutions expo.  One theme we kept hearing was regarding cloud-hosted or cloud-ready UC and CC, and specifically, how do you ensure network performance when you move to the cloud.

Ensuring WAN performance for UC/CC is something FatPipe does well.  During the conference Avaya discussed their AIX-Mobility solution, (Avaya Mobile Experience) FatPipe is providing one of the foundational technologies for this product.  Customers of AIX-Mobility connect to the Avaya Cloud via FatPipe’s SD-WAN technology.  This allows for rapid and cost-effective deployment of the service because there is no one to provision dedicated MPLS circuit to call center locations, the connection to the Avaya cloud can be made over an internet connection, dedicated MPLS circuits, or a hybrid combination of connections.  FatPipe’s SD-WAN monitors the quality of the paths and intelligently directs the calls to the most appropriate path.

One of the reasons why Avaya chose FatPipe over other SD-WAN providers is FatPipe’s unique ability to do stateful, sub-second call failover without having to duplicate packets. There are also several other techniques that FatPipe uses to ensure the highest call quality and low bandwidth use. For example, the packet duplication requirement that other SD-WAN providers put on stateful failover was seen as a large burden on Avaya’s network plans.  Having to double-provision bandwidth does not work on the scale AIX-Mobility is designed for.

FatPipe’s efficient means of VoIP management works both at the carrier level, like Avaya, and for enterprises.  To learn more about FatPipe’s SD-WAN for VoIP click here