11 Jul

How FatPipe SD-WAN Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Network Infrastructure

Several enterprises, even now, rely on standard WAN and SD-WAN offerings that generate high CAPEX and OPEX costs. This poses a high risk; the expenses for maintaining legacy WAN systems will eventually surpass the investment required for a modern, business-aligned network solution.  Companies witness around 20-30% cost reduction when they switch to the SD-WAN solution (according to reports) but embracing FatPipe software-defined approach reduces Network TCO by more than 50% ensuring FatPipe SD-WAN investment break even for customers in less than one year.

Industry Unique Features of FatPipe for SD-WAN Investment Break Even in less than one year

FatPipe being the inventor of key SD-WAN features has patented and innovative ways of network transformation for reducing network TCO.

  • Single IP Framework for Link Aggregation – FatPipe MPVPN patented technology aggregates traffic of heterogeneous last mile e.g. MPLS, Internet, broadband, LTE, 5G, wireless, leased lines, and satellite in end-to-end single IP framework enabling traffic navigation across multi- technology links. This traffic load balancing can reduce per annum customer bandwidth costs by 20-30%.
  • Load Balancing without Traffic Duplication – FatPipe SD-WAN MPSEC TM patent ensures no duplication of traffic among redundant lines during data, voice and video to ensure customer bandwidth savings up to 50% year on year.
  • WAN Optimization – Reduces TCO through advanced WAN optimization techniques namely caching, compression, de-duplication etc. FatPipe WAN optimization is at an innovative byte level, ensuring industry-best traffic optimization granularity. These features reduce bandwidth costs between 10% and 90% depending on payload application nature.
  • Selective Encryption – FatPipe’s patented hybrid WAN technology selectively encrypts only the traffic placed on public links, avoiding encryption on MPLS traffic. This feature reduces encryption overheads ensuring potential bandwidth savings by 30% depending on packet size.
  • Intelligent Traffic Management and Prioritization – This feature optimizes the utilization of available bandwidth reducing the need for over-provisioning and ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary resources to save excess bandwidth costs by 10% to 20%.
  • Unifying Heterogeneous Devices – FatPipe SD-WAN has the capability of working as router, stateful/next-gen firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention system, load balancer, unified threat manager, WAN optimizer, DNS, and DHCP as well as provides best-of-breed network performance and fault management system functionalities. This combination saves customer hardware TCO by about 10% to 30%.

Combination of these features during solution design phase leads to significant reduction in customer network costs by more than 50% and also provides better network availability, impregnable security, accelerated WAN traffic, and enhanced user experience for increased organization productivity.

12 Mar

Prioritizing Security: FatPipe’s FIPS-Compliant Solutions

In today’s digital landscape, data security is paramount for organizations across industries. With the proliferation of sensitive information, particularly Personally Identifiable Information (PII), robust security measures are essential to safeguard data integrity and confidentiality. FatPipe’s FIPS-compliant solutions, coupled with many other security features, offer peace of mind by implementing robust security measures and undergoing rigorous testing and validation processes. This not only helps organizations meet their own security requirements with appropriate encryptions and cryptographic hardware but also ensures compliance with regulatory obligations and contractual agreements.

Meeting Compliance Standards with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)

FatPipe Networks understands the critical importance of data security and compliance, especially in environments where sensitive data is handled. Our solutions are designed with the highest standards in mind, ensuring compliance with FIPS. Achieving FIPS compliance encryption mechanisms not only demonstrates our commitment to security but also instills confidence in our customers, assuring them that their data is protected at the highest level. Being the first SD-WAN vendor in the Industry to achieve NIST military-grade FIPS-140-2 certification demonstrates our dedication to staying ahead of the curve in providing secure solutions for enterprise and government data traffic.

Enhancing Confidence in Cloud Security

For organizations relying on cloud services, choosing a FIPS-compliant vendor is crucial for ensuring data security and regulatory compliance. With FatPipe, organizations can confidently leverage cloud-based security services aka Secure Edge Secure Access (SASE) products, knowing that their sensitive data is protected against unauthorized access or disclosure. By implementing FIPS-compliant encryption mechanisms, FatPipe ensures data confidentiality both at rest and in transit. This means that sensitive information remains protected from unauthorized access or interception, safeguarding the integrity and credibility of data in the cloud. Additionally, our secure authentication and access control mechanisms further strengthen the security posture of cloud-based systems, minimizing the risk of data breaches or tampering.

Commitment to Network Security

FatPipe continuously strives to enhance our security measures and stay at the forefront of emerging threats and regulatory requirements. With our FIPS-compliant solutions along with robust security features which include Blockchain-type Data Transmission with MPSEC TM, Stateful Firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, UTM etc., organizations can trust us to provide impregnable security measures that protect their data, uphold their reputation, and ensure uninterrupted business operations.

FatPipe’s FIPS-compliant solutions offer organizations a comprehensive security framework to safeguard their sensitive data and meet regulatory requirements. FatPipe’s crypto module plays a pivotal role in business continuity planning, especially for VPN connectivity. By prioritizing security and compliance, FatPipe empowers organizations to confidently embrace digital transformation and leverage cloud services without compromising data integrity or confidentiality.

01 Mar

Empowering Cloud Security: Explore FatPipe SD-WAN’s ‘Bring Your Own Firewall’ Advantage

In today’s evolving landscape of digital transformation, the path to adopting Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) varies widely depending on the organization, reflecting the unique circumstances and objectives of each entity embarking on this transformative journey. At FatPipe, we recognize the unique nature of every SASE transition. We understand that each organization starts this journey from a different starting point, which highlights the importance of a flexible approach that delivers tangible benefits at every step.

Flexibility isn’t just about incremental wins; it’s about empowering organizations to adapt and evolve on their terms. FatPipe follows a flexible approach that not only acknowledges but embraces the diverse needs and circumstances of our customers. At FatPipe, we have innovated our SD-WAN solutions with a third-party Bring Your Own Firewall (BYOF) model to provide organizations with unparalleled flexibility and choice in their security infrastructure. This approach allows organizations to leverage their preferred firewall technology within FatPipe’s SASE framework, creating a cohesive and robust security environment tailored to their specific needs.

Bring Your Own Firewall Integration


Benefits of FatPipe SD-WAN Bring your own Line and Bring Your Own Firewall Integration

  • The integration between FatPipe SD-WAN and third-party firewalls is developed to facilitate a smooth and efficient flow of traffic within the SASE architecture. By seamlessly integrating these elements, organizations can ensure that their network traffic is routed through their chosen firewall for inspection and enforcement of security policies. This integration streamlines security operations and ensures consistent protection across the entire network infrastructure.
  • Within the SASE framework, FatPipe’s SD-WAN acts as the foundation for connectivity, providing feature of “Bring your own line” which allows seamless aggregated connectivity across heterogeneous media types e.g., Wireless, Wireline, MPLS, Internet, 4G/5G etc. The third-party firewall, brought in by the organization under the BYOF model, serves as an additional layer of defense, augmenting the security capabilities of the SD-WAN solution. Together, these components work in tandem to safeguard against a wide spectrum of threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring comprehensive protection for the organization’s digital assets.
  • This integrated approach not only enhances security but also provides higher Network Uptimes with seamless integration of heterogeneous lines with simple administration for IT teams. By consolidating networking and security functions within a unified platform, organizations can reduce complexity, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency. Moreover, the flexibility offered by the BYOF and BYOL model enables organizations to leverage their existing investments in security infrastructure, maximizing ROI while benefiting from the advanced capabilities of FatPipe’s SASE-enabled SD-WAN solution.