20 Nov

Catch Up with Rising Intelligence on the WAN Edge

WAN Edge refers to the device deployed at the “edge of the network,” especially at the branches. Till a few years back, these devices were expected to make routing decisions without human intervention, but with the advent of SD-WAN, the Edge devices are gaining much-needed intelligence and also are capable of performing multiple functions. Imagine effortlessly managing your WAN, elevating its performance, fortifying the security, and seamlessly integrating new heterogeneous connections of different technologies – all in one powerful suite of solutions. FatPipe Networks, the inventor and multiple patents holder of SDWAN technology has been at the forefront of making the “Edge” more powerful and intelligent to exponentially enhance the network performance. It provides unique patented technology MPSEC TM to the networking industry which has given a new dimension to Edge Intelligence. It also provides solutions for improving network performance in an existing WAN, simplifying WAN management, or adding and managing additional connections with zero-touch provisioning.

WAN Redundancy with MPSEC TM

FatPipe Multi path security patented technology allows multiple heterogeneous connections to the WAN for seamless aggregation of MPLS, Internet, 4G, leased networks, and satellite networks in one single virtual link with seamless sub-second failover to enhance network SLAs.

Dynamic load balancing on multiple lines 

FatPipe’s dynamic load balancing allows the load to be distributed on a WAN connection according to several algorithms ranging from simple round-robin load balancing to complex load balancing that determines the least number of hops from start to destination.

Multiple Quality of Service

FatPipe technology supports QoS mechanisms that let organizations prioritize specific traffic over others. This will ensure that VoIP calls have priority and the availability needed to be completed.

Data traffic Optimization

The Edge is enabled with multiple WAN Optimization techniques making it more intelligent. FatPipe data compression technology can compress data by up to 8x. FatPipe’s de-duplication technology looks for data duplicates in data sets and eliminates them. By caching local copies of transmitted data, FatPipe technology reduces the strain on network resources.

Hybrid WAN

The Hybrid WAN has the public and private networks working in parallel. We can also have internet-only branches to connect to their HQ or other data centers using an on-site or cloud gateway.

Centralized control and Policy-based management 

FatPipe SD-WAN ensures data security and decision-driven traffic routing through a centralized control function with additional benefits such as application performance, user satisfaction, business efficiency, and reduced operational expenditure. Based on policies, FatPipe manages the configurations and flow of traffic.

Dynamic path selection

FatPipe SD-WAN intelligently prioritizes data and diagnoses existing network conditions to effectively map application traffic to the best-suited route.

Last-mile connectivity

FatPipe SD-WAN devices deployed at each location elevate last-mile connectivity between sites without excessively relying on service partners, as with cloud-based solutions.

Fabric and Flat Networks

While fabric networks facilitate the seamless integration of many components, improve scalability, and enhance overall network performance, flat networks can reduce complexity in WAN environments with a simplified structure. Flat networks can improve data transfer efficiency, lower latency, and simplify management by minimizing the number of network layers.

Intelligent WAN Edge Consolidation 

FatPipe Intelligent WAN Edge consolidation typically involves simplifying management processes, improving network performance, and adding or managing additional connections into a unified and intelligent solution. The objective is to provide a more cohesive and effective approach to managing and optimizing the WAN edge infrastructure.

29 Oct

SD-WAN Growing Use Cases for the Cloud

SD-WAN: Growing Use Cases for the Cloud

It’s remarkable how fast software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) has gained momentum. Many people ask why. The answer is: SD-WAN is expanding the functionality of automating and management access to cloud applications.

The primary trigger for the growth and interest in SD-WAN is the shift, over the past decade, of a massive amount of applications to the cloud (both private and public). Networks in the client-server era were built to access applications that were housed either at an enterprise site or, more rarely, in a private data center. But the cloud shifted the game — creating the need for fast access to applications wherever they reside, including the cloud when accessed across the Internet.

Cloud Connection Challenges

From the CIO or CTO’s perspective, cloud has many benefits but also presents many challenges from the network and security point of view. Cloud applications can speed the velocity and agility of IT, enabling your workforce to connect and build on new applications on demand.

But the challenge is that you need to build a new infrastructure to support these cloud applications. There are several challenges to connecting your workforce to this new world of agile cloud applications. Here are a few:

Application Performance: Cloud means there are many routes for workers to connect – and generally they do so using the network, not always under control of the corporate network. They could be using Internet broadband to connect to a cloud application or they might be on a corporate WAN. SD-WAN technology can add network intelligence to the corporate WAN to recognize which applications are being accessed and connect them in the most efficient, cost effective way. It can provide Internet breakout to make sure that general Internet traffic is not routed through expensive private data-center connections (such as MPLS). And furthermore, SD-WAN technology can be used to connect directly to recognize the most common cloud applications (Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce), and connect to application-specific gateways that speed up applications access.

Security: With the increased use of the Internet and cloud technologies, it’s harder for IT staff to assure security when employees are using the network to connect to the cloud. SD-WAN can enable additional network visibility and security functions that assure that cloud applications are being accessed in a secure way. More importantly, by enabling network branches and endpoints with SD-WAN, IT staff can gain more insight into how the networks are being used and implement security policies.

Agility and Automation: In the hardware-based WAN world, networks were connected with complicated hardware configurations and leased lines, making changes to the network topology and architecture difficult. In order to connect to the cloud, a more responsive network is needed to gain control and visibility over cloud connections. With SD-WAN, networks can be more quickly orchestrated and changed using software, increasing the speed with which IT and networking staff can respond to changing business demand. In addition, SD-WAN deployments can often be set up using software-based automation tools such as templates.

End-User Attraction: Making Life Easier

What’s most powerful about SD-WAN is that it has the potential to solve several of these challenges at once, by providing an integrated, software-driven platform for automating network policy and applications.

Cloud applications mean that traffic flows within the network have drastically changed and become inefficient. The technology to handle these new traffic flows is embedded in many SD-WAN platforms.

SD-WAN emerged with a few use cases anchored to the need for fast cloud access, but those use cases are now expanding, according to Futuriom research.  That is because the WAN is a key enabler — and also possibly stumbling block — for cloud applications.

So how exactly does SD-WAN do that? The MEF, a global industry alliance comprised of more than 150 networking technology and service-provider organizations, is working to reduce the confusion surrounding SD-WAN technologies and solutions. As part of their work the MEF has identified the following as being fundamental capabilities of SD-WAN managed services:

  • Secure, IP-based virtual overlay network
  • Transport-independence of underlay network
  • Service assurance of each SD-WAN tunnel
  • Application-driven packet forwarding
  • High availability through multiple WAN links
  • Policy-based packet forwarding
  • Service automation via centralized management, control and orchestration
  • The MEF also identified some value-added services that are beyond the fundamental SD-WAN service offering. This includes WAN optimization and advanced security services.

These expanding capabilities of SD-WAN show why it’s growing so fast – it’s become the Swiss army knife of WAN automation and management. This is why IT and network managers have taken a liking to the approach is that streamlines the management of many of challenges posed to given users a better experience in connecting to the cloud.

FatPipe Networks has been developing and delivering traffic management solutions for over 17 years and was “SD-WAN before SD-WAN was cool”- Gartner.   With 12 seminal patents and a comprehensive suite that addresses any SD-WAN need, FatPipe Networks is a must for any WAN administrator considering or updating their WAN traffic management needs

29 May

LTE Intelligent Edge device from FatPipe now available

FatPipe Announces General Availability of Integrated LTE to its Intelligent Edge SD-WAN Devices

FatPipe technology allows for seamless failover of sessions including VoIP to LTE without dropping sessions.

MAY 22, 2019 (Salt Lake City) FatPipe Networks, the inventors and multiple patents holder of key SD-WAN technologies, announced the availability of integrated LTE as a WAN option in its intelligent edge SD-WANs.  This innovation is designed to assist small branches in having a back up to their fixed line solutions. In addition, customers can also use multiple 4G/LTE connections in locations where they do not have fixed line options.

FatPipe’s SD-WAN provides automatic failover and intelligent load balancing from one line to another without dropping a session or VPN connection. This ensures that a session or a VoIP call is not dropped when a line fails and the session is carried over to another line.

“This is of great value to retail and financial institutions as they do not have to re-start a session or double charge a customer by mistake,” said Dr. Ragula Bhaskar, CEO of FatPipe, “FatPipe’s LTE option has been available to early adoption customers for a year and now we are formally announcing the general availability. FatPipe is also 5G ready.”

FatPipe’s Integration of LTE into its Intelligent Edge SD-WAN leverages three of FatPipe’s previous innovations:

  1. FatPipe’s superior patented SD-WAN technology enables data to be placed on a single line and failed over seamlessly to a second line without dropping the session or packets vs other SD-WAN technologies that either drop the sessions and have to be re-started or have to duplicate the packets on two lines, which places undue burden on bandwidth by double bandwidth needs. Such duplication technology is especially detrimental to LTE and 4G transmissions.
  2. FatPipe’s patented Dynamic IP addressing scheme technology, which can use dynamic (not fixed)  IP addresses of LTE and aggregate the line with a fixed IP. This reduces monthly costs, especially for LTE cards. 
  3. FatPipe WAN Optimization reduces the amount of data transmitted by 40% to 90%,  further reducing LTE costs.

FatPipe’s SD-WAN solutions simplify multi-vendor interoperability and include key features that transcend WAN failures to maintain business continuity, including zero-touch branch deployment, hybrid WAN connectivity, tuned application performance, easy integration, granular network visibility, multi-path security, secure full mesh VPN connectivity and flexible centralized policy deployments.

“FatPipe’s intelligent edge with 4G directly addresses market demand in our customer base,” said Dante Passalacqua, “FatPipe’s unparalleled SD-WAN with an integrated modem further simplifies the ease of deployment and creates a cost-effective solution for our customers, especially in retail. We are pleased that FatPipe is very responsive to market needs; FatPipe makes it easy for us to offer our customers the best in class solutions.”

About FatPipe Networks

FatPipe Networks invented the concept of software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) and hybrid WANs that eliminate the need for hardware and software, or cooperation from ISPs and allows companies and service providers to control multi-link network traffic. FatPipe currently has 11 U.S. patents and more than 180 technology claims related to multipath, software-defined networking and selective encryption of broadband networks. FatPipe technology provides the world’s best intra-corporate wide area network solutions that transcend Internet and other network failures to maintain business continuity and high transmission security. FatPipe, with several thousand customers, has offices in the United States and around the world, and more than 700 resellers worldwide including almost all national resellers in the US. For more information, visit www.fatpipe.com. 

31 Jan

Cloud-Hosted, Cloud Enabled Unified Communications WAN

Securely Evolving UC and CC with FatPipe SD-WAN for Success in the Cloud

At Avaya Engage, we featured our recently completed Avaya DevConnect test results. Successful UC and CC deployments must be architected on a network with reliable, redundant, load-balanced internet connectivity delivering ample bandwidth. Avaya Aura 8.0 and Avaya IP Office 11.0 combined with FatPipe SD-WAN has been DevConnect tested to complement and extend joint value from premised based and between the cloud or HQ and the branch. FatPipe’s policy engine manages QOS, jitter, latency, and WAN Optimization ensures good call quality and sub-second failover for NO dropped calls.

All About the Cloud

It’s was all about the cloud! FatPipe Networks Dynamic Path Selection of Multiple Active Hybrid wide area network (WAN) paths is an effective Next GEN SD-WAN transformation solution that provides a critical aspect of a diversified hybrid Cloud WAN infrastructure.

We reviewed investment areas in the cloud for next generation WANs and how FatPipe’s routing options for internet traffic flow deliver an optimal user experience for business cloud applications like Avaya.

31 Jan

Make your Cloud Strategy YOUR Cloud Strategy

cloud strategy

There is no question that the move to the cloud is in full swing.  When you read any technical publication, the cloud is all they can talk about.  While cloud computing continues to see incredible growth, there are some facts that seem to missed.  According to research done by Morgan Stanley, 79% of the computing workload is done on premise.  While the number is expected to drop to 56% in 2021, premise-based data centers still carry the bulk of compute workload.

There are some reasons companies keep applications on-premise.  These can be security concerns, latency concerns, regulatory concerns or even corporate culture reasons.  For whatever reason, it is clear that premise-based computing with continue to be a critical component of the IT infrastructure for the foreseeable future.

While premise-based computing will continue to be part of the equation, it is important to develop your cloud IT strategy.  Most companies are adopting a hybrid IT strategy with portions of the compute workload remaining in the promise data center and other portions being outsources to a public cloud.  When adopting your hybrid IT strategy, you must customize it to your company to be successful.  Consider which applications are most latency sensitive, or have critical security components and strongly consider leaving them on premise. It is important to make your cloud strategy your cloud strategy.

Of course, connectivity is crucial to any cloud or hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe is the expert at hybrid WAN and can help with your hybrid IT strategy. FatPipe has spent nearly two decades developing solutions that are simple, efficient, dynamic & adaptable connections between users, applications, and their data.

These innovations have continued with the announcement of general availability of FatPipe for Azure.  FatPipe for Azure allows customers to seamlessly integrate an Azure cloud site into their MPSec/SD-WAN overlay and get the same benefits of MPSec that they get from a premise-based data center.  FatPipe ensures that your cloud applications, whether it is Salesforce, Office 365, or Google docs don’t have the quality issues during download, screen refresh, or when the line drops. Latency and jiiter as well as application prioritization is managed by your FatPipe ensuring a better quality experience.