01 Jul

Enhancing Business Productivity with Application Aware Routing

Traditional network architectures, while efficient at routing packets, fall short in understanding the applications being transported and hence are unaware of business priorities. This hinders businesses from achieving optimal operations as there is no real-time application-based traffic routing. Modern networks, equipped with knowledge of the applications they carry, provide multiple benefits to businesses.

Advantage of Application Aware Routing for Modern Businesses  

  • Application Path Control (Steering): When a Data Center link for a major e-commerce company’s Order Booking Application is impaired while a high-value order is being placed, the order will fail to go through. Application-aware routing, a key function, makes real-time routing decisions, redirecting the order booking to a better link ensuring successful Business closure. This involves abstracting, pooling, and assigning the transport infrastructure to applications based on software-defined policies. Application Aware Routing, a major function of Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN), steers and priorities mission-critical traffic ensuring that critical applications like voice and video sessions remain free from jitter, latency, or packet loss

  • Application Quality of Service: Imagine a customer at a bank’s priority desk trying to open an account during busy morning hours. The bank operator struggles with slow Account opening application due to bandwidth in busy hour being consumed by other employees opening large email attachments etc. An application-aware network, with appropriate policies, guarantees express bandwidth to the account opening application, preventing business loss. FatPipe SD-WAN has one of the best Application QoS modules for helping businesses increase profitability.
  • Application Portability: Users should seek solutions enabling easy application deployment across the cloud, data centers, remote premises or disaster recovery sites. The solution should offer centralized management to allow configuration and policy updates to multiple sites from a single interface. When applications move, policies should be easily updated and propagated across the network. FatPipe SD-WAN provides this functionality through user-friendly, zero-touch central orchestrator templates for specific policy directives of each Business.
  • Application Reports: In a remote factory, an employee using most of the bandwidth for personal Google downloads hinders business work. SD-WAN provides granular application reports at the user and link levels, allowing network administrators to diagnose the problem. FatPipe SD-WAN offers deep analytics, including CxO dashboards and detailed reports on top talkers, hosts, applications, and data usage by each application with user segregation enabling high quality Network Performance Management.

In summary, FatPipe SD-WAN application-aware agile and adaptive solutions for Network transformation ensure seamless and high-quality user experiences for enhancing business productivity and profitability.

25 Nov

Cloud connectivity more important now than ever

Cloud connectivity more important now than ever.

The software-defined wide-area-networking (SD-WAN) ecosystem is expanding into multiple clouds as the largest public cloud providers race to provide connectivity and integrations with SD-WAN technology. This is a win for everybody.

Futuriom SD-WAN Survey 2019

With virtual networking connection program such as Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN and Amazon’s Direct Connect, application programming interfaces (APIs) make it easier for the SD-WAN technology providers to tie into the public cloud at nearby points-of-presence (PoPs), speeding up access to the public clouds.

Imagine a Web of virtualized services being connected across the globe at key interconnection points, with the capability to exchange key information about the performance standards for applications. This is one of the big drivers of SD-WAN, which enables enterprises to speed up performance and access to business applications in the cloud.

Microsoft has been the leader here, describing its Azure Virtual WAN as a way to provide optimized WAN branch connectivity to Azure, its cloud services. The access points are placed in regional hubs at Internet exchange points in carrier hotels or data centers. This can enable services such as site-to-site virtual private networking (VPN), point-to-site VPN (point-to-site), and ExpressRoute. In addition, direct connections into Azure virtual WAN can enable high-performance network connectivity for cloud applications such as Office 365. Microsoft has architected its entire network to bring apps closer to the service edge.

FatPipe Networks, like other SD-WAN vendors, is quickly adopting integrations with the major cloud providers to leverage these services. Earlier this year, FatPipe announced the availability of FatPipe SD-WAN for Azure, which provides SD-WAN customers direct connections into the Microsoft Azure cloud.

By hosting a virtual endpoint, or gateway in Azure, the FatPipe SD-WAN service can improve connection and customer experience for access to Azure applications and cloud-hosted business applications such as Microsoft Office 365. FatPipe says the direct cloud access will speed up connections and avoid problems such as session drops. FatPipe does this by hosting a specific FatPipe virtual machine on the Azure platform. FatPipe SD-WAN for Azure is built around FatPipe’s MPSec technology, which provides additional WAN transmission security versus standard encryption. The improved security is targeted first at small to medium businesses where FatPipe is primarily focused, then multinational corporations, and government agencies that want to use cloud applications but are concerned about security and compromised ISPs.

But such edge connectivity does not stop at the major clouds. It will also be used to optimize performance of specific business cloud applications, such as Unified communications as a service (UCaaS).

For example, FatPipe has announced a partnership with RingCentral to deliver higher quality VoIP calls. Other SD-WAN vendors are looking to forge relationship with VOIP and UCaaS services. Connecting directly to the cloud PoP for a specific VOIP services can help reduce jitter and latency.

FatPipe’s backing a strong trend of the broader SD-WAN ecosystem, in which software and service vendors partner with Microsoft and other cloud providers to provide integrated services for WAN connectivity to cloud apps.

Now, imagine this theme spreading, as it will – to Amazon, Google, and other major cloud provider. The expansion of edge-optimized cloud connectivity extends the edge networking capabilities among partners, building a robust ecosystem.

Futuriom research indicates that the top three reasons that enterprises are adopting SD-WAN including improving security, management, and support for edge cloud services.

Providing inter-connectivity with the major cloud providers has the potential to hit on all three of these, as managers can now provision and deploy secure virtual networks across clouds. This will help them manage the user experience in the increasingly cloudified world.

08 Nov


SD-WAN is evolving to SD-WAN TM

Many SD-WAN solutions promise adopters a software/hardware solution that will ultimately solve their traffic routing issues and improve network performance.   But research has shown that this is not the case.   Over 60% of SD-WAN installs are retooled or worse, uninstalled, simply because they just do not meet the needs of today’s modern wide area network.

Let’s be honest, SD-WAN has got a rap, not necessarily “bad” but perhaps has been touted, incorrectly, as a panacea to solve a multitude of issues faced by today’s WAN administrators.

So why the confusion and lack of understanding?   Perhaps it is marketing hype, where vendors in this market claim to have solutions that meet most customer’s needs, only to find far more is required than what is advertised.   Perhaps customers are too quick to jump on the bandwagon, with administrators installing “SD-WAN” simply to appease management that they now have the latest and greatest, or to try something and see if and how it works.

SD-WAN (Software-Defined WAN) is cool, and can be a very effective, cost saving solution for almost ANY WAN of any size or configuration.   After research with well over 100 SD-WAN users, both large and small, the clear differentiator in this discussion is undoubtedly, the “S”.  The Software.   It is well known that the hardware is no longer the focus for a successful, high speed WAN, it is how the software manages the traffic.    

It is all about network traffic management

Perhaps SD-WAN should be changed to SD-WAN-TM – WAN Traffic Management, because at the end of the day, it really is about traffic management, knowing what the traffic type is, where it originates, the destination and of course, how it gets there.

Modern WANs are becoming more and more complex, especially with the adoption of cloud and hybrid cloud services and solutions, better bandwidth offerings, faster cell networks (5G is blisteringly quick) and of course, the need to access information and data from anywhere at any time, using a multitude of devices.

Users are driving the change.   Instant access is imperative, demanded, and critical to the success of today’s fast paced on line business to consumer economy.     Businesses are adapting to this change requiring more connectivity to aligned organizations, such as healthcare institutions connecting to insurance companies, financial institutions connecting to regulatory bodies, mortgage and insurance companies, and large on line retailers managing inventory, deliveries, and billing.   We are becoming more and more connected, and with that brings the number 1 fear for any network administrator, the security of their data.

Security is undoubtedly the one issue keeping the WAN administrator awake at night.   With the massive increase in network traffic on multiple and different link types, especially broadband, from multiple devices, the question must now be, how do you manage this traffic effectively, efficiently and most importantly, easily?

In order to have a reliable, secure and effective WAN, it is imperative that administrators take control of traffic across the network.    Knowing how traffic is being routed and most importantly, being able to control it, is without question the most important factor affecting the modern WAN.  Managing this traffic across multiple links using multiple formats is key.   This is the promise of SD-WAN.

5 Necessities for a cost effective SD-WAN solution

To get the best “S” for your SD-WAN needs, there are a few easy steps any business should take.   Here are 5 key questions you MUST ask your SD-WAN vendor:

  1. Will your SD-WAN solution work with existing routers and network protocols?
  2. Will your SD-WAN solution work with multiple links in one device, even if those links are different types and speeds, including copper, fiber, 3G,4G,5G LTE, broadband and satellite?
  3. Will your Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solution securely load balance and failover BOTH inbound and outbound traffic, even if this is VoIP or Video resulting in zero dropped calls?
  4. Does your SD-WAN solution allow setting of thresholds for any traffic type, including application specific, protocol specific, line specific, or interface specific?
  5. Will your SD-WAN solution be capable of managing traffic securely to and from any cloud or hybrid cloud application or service and can you do this all from a single screen view of the entire network?

If you answered yes to ALL of these questions, you have a very good SD-WAN solution, or even better, best of breed WAN traffic management.

Traffic management is already the most important factor affecting networks today.  It will become even more important and critical as more and more devices connect.    Multiple research predicts up to 50 Billion devices connected to the Internet by 2025.

To be sure you have the right “S” to manage your traffic, check to see how your network is designed, the links you have in place, the firewalls, routers, the current traffic management system, and ask yourself what is possible and what will be required to ensure reliability, security, redundancy, efficiency and, perhaps often overlooked, how simple will it be to configure and manage?

FatPipe Networks have been designing and developing best of breed SD-WAN solutions for over 17 years, are the holder of 12 seminal patents and are FIPS 140-2 certified.   With the capability of managing up to 16 different links, with multiple speeds, sub second failover, stateful firewall, inbound redundancy and security, best WAN Optimization options, and scalable up to 40Gb, FatPipe can meet all of the customer SD-WAN requirements.   FatPipe’s traffic management is second to none.   Offering both capex and managed service solutions, FatPipe is unique in the market.   Can you afford not to check out FatPipe’s WAN traffic management capabilities?

Call FatPipe today at 801-683-5656 x 1224.   www.fatpipeinc.com


31 Jan

Cloud-Hosted, Cloud Enabled Unified Communications WAN

Securely Evolving UC and CC with FatPipe SD-WAN for Success in the Cloud

At Avaya Engage, we featured our recently completed Avaya DevConnect test results. Successful UC and CC deployments must be architected on a network with reliable, redundant, load-balanced internet connectivity delivering ample bandwidth. Avaya Aura 8.0 and Avaya IP Office 11.0 combined with FatPipe SD-WAN has been DevConnect tested to complement and extend joint value from premised based and between the cloud or HQ and the branch. FatPipe’s policy engine manages QOS, jitter, latency, and WAN Optimization ensures good call quality and sub-second failover for NO dropped calls.

All About the Cloud

It’s was all about the cloud! FatPipe Networks Dynamic Path Selection of Multiple Active Hybrid wide area network (WAN) paths is an effective Next GEN SD-WAN transformation solution that provides a critical aspect of a diversified hybrid Cloud WAN infrastructure.

We reviewed investment areas in the cloud for next generation WANs and how FatPipe’s routing options for internet traffic flow deliver an optimal user experience for business cloud applications like Avaya.

25 Jan

Conduct your own investigation

SD-WAN is the new hot acronym in wide area networking that makes complex deployments very simple. With SD-WAN several companies are offering this technology with its components such as encryption, WAN path control, application performance routing, optimization and overlay networks to the customers leaving it difficult for them to choose on.  Their decisions might go wrong in choosing one that promises absolute success. But with little awareness and consideration of some important factors the consumers can select a solution that is appropriate for the product they wish for.

The primary thing that a customer needs to know about the vendor is how long have they been in SD-WAN market offering this solution and how do they support the business at times without leaving the network in peril. Even if the vendor claims that he has countless number of customers always check for the genuine ones and avoid pit falls. Be cautious while learning about the vendors patents and try to know whether they have the patents covering their technology? Or else they are violating someone else’s patents. At the same time make sure that your company is not exposed to intellectual property violation which may get you into trouble. So make sure that the product offered by the vendors is a good fit before you actually deploy it in your existing network.

According to analysts, FatPipe SD-WAN solutions bring together all the components under a single umbrella in a single easy to deploy solution.