11 Aug

Top Pitfall to Avoid When Implementing Cloud Computing

I have been reading a lot about “Cloud Computing”.  Almost every networking journal, conference, seminar touches upon the subject.  Cloud services providers aver that the traditional premise based network will soon be obsolete and network administrator better jump on the bandwagon quickly.  They tend to overstate the benefits (as I would expect anyone selling anything to do) and brush aside some real concerns.  They admonish network administrators to stop wasting their time managing premise based networks.  “Move to our cloud service and relax while we do all the work”.  Really?

The premise of the argument is tempting and there is a place for cloud services.  Unfortunately, migration to the cloud is not as easy as flipping a switch.  As any savvy network admin knows, many issues have to be resolved before making such a move.

The biggest concerns are the security of the data you put on the cloud and connectivity to the cloud services.  While service providers strive to eliminate breaches, security breaches have been reports recently.  If your WAN is down and you cannot connect to the service provider, it will prove to be very costly in terms of lost productivity.  There are many others that should be weighed against the benefits before making the decision.

What I am advocating is a well thought out strategic process when making a decision to move to the cloud.  It is better to ask providers tough questions upfront rather than confront them later.  Some of the pitfalls in cloud computing are detailed in a white paper you can obtain here.

Click HERE to download the white paper

01 Aug

Gain Greater Visibility and Management of Your Network

FatPipe has recently begun shipping version 7.1.1. As part of this new release, FatPipe introduced EnterpriseView™.  EnterpriseView is a new FatPipe product designed to ease the implementation and management of FatPipe appliances at multiple locations.

EnterpriseView is designed to manage and maintain multiple FatPipe devices across a global network.  This can either be incorporated in Greenfield or existing installations.  Managing each device can be a big challenge,  EnterpriseView solves this problem with an easy to implement software module that can be retro-installed or incorporated in new installations.

EV - Charts

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14 Jul

Designing the Perfect WAN: Business Continuity via WAN Redundancy

Resolve Wide Area Network bandwidth issues and eliminate network downtime.

The network plays a vital part in business activity in today’s market. Companies require viable Internet/WAN connectivity in order to succeed in an increasingly competitive and global business landscape and to insure that business is not interrupted. This paper explores how companies use the network to conduct day-to-day functions that help employees, customers, partners, suppliers and investors.

Click HERE to download the white paper

01 Jul

Advanced Policy Routing in FatPipe Version 7

FatPipe has recently begun shipping version 7.1.1.  As part of this new release, FatPipe has enhanced policy routing.  A new policy route feature is Threshold Based Session Failover.

Threshold policy

With Threshold based session failover, the FatPipe appliance actively checks the quality of the connection of each of the lines selected.  Latency, jitter, and packet loss are measured for each WAN interface that has the “watch parameters” check box selected.

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